
Friday, November 20, 2015

A Chinese Gallardo driver was pulled by police... with a massive teddy on his roof

Regular readers will know Ten Things’ love for animal-car stories is second to none, even if said animal happens to be stuffed and broadly fictional.
Which is why Ten Things was squeaking in happy delight at reports emerged from China that appeared to show the owner of a Lamborghini Gallardo being stopped by police for having a GIANT TEDDY strapped to his car’s roof.
The driver, it’s said, had bought the behemoth bear as a gift for his girlfriend. Chengdu’s traffic police, however, failed to see the romantic side, viewing the toy as a potential hazard to other road users. By which, presumably, they meant, “parents now being given a hard time by their toddlers for buying them such a very small teddy”.
Dangerous? Romantic? Clearly there’s only one way to settle this. Ask the bear. He looks happy enough, doesn’t he?
Actually, no. No he doesn’t. Untie the poor lad!

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